East Neighbourhood

3.0 km Marker

Environment Research Hub

Scientist · Scientifique · E-ndagkenjiged

Photo: Parks Canada / Scott Munn / 2014

Did you know that scientists come to Sault Ste. Marie from all over the world to study the environment? Many of them work in the buildings you see around you.

This provincial and federal government research hub attracts many local, national, and international scientists focusing on environmental management. This includes ecosystems, insects, plants, invasive species, climate change, forests, and diseases. Their discoveries are used across Canada and around the world.

Environmental Hub & Bellevue Park

This map highlights features in the area covering the Environmental Research Hub and Bellevue Park. Use it to enjoy a scenic detour before returning to the Trail.View PDF

Challenge Yourself!

Can You Draw?

Draw yourself as a scientist in a lab. If you could study any plant or animal, what would you choose? Why?

Can you name a nearby tree? Will it shed its leaves in the winter?

Barbara Bluejay says: Point to the tallest tree you can see. Imagine what the view is like from the top.